Kamis, 29 Mei 2014
Kamis, 05 Januari 2012
Rabu, 04 Januari 2012
jurnal internasional MSDM
Human Resource Management: Some Vital Considerations
SK Mishra
Department of Economics
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong (India) – 793022
I. Introduction: Are human beings ‘resources’? On this question there is a sharp division
in opinions. There are scholars, not much ethically inclined, who adore the practice of
considering human beings as resources. They visualize a continuum – from the inert
objects to the most refined intellectual endeavours – from the one end to the other, as
resources to productive activities. On the other hand, there are a plenty of scholars who
abhor considering human beings just a complement to other means (e.g. animals, plants
and inanimate objects) of production. Tn those scholars it appears debasing to consider
labour - menial or mental, vulgar or artistic, raw or polished - as a commodity and by the
same logic, human beings a source of the flow of labour and its power as resources.
They view workers in the holistic perspective of their psychology and their fitness to their
work environment and work assignment, rather than as interchangeable parts. They place
emphasis on how leadership, cohesion, and loyalty play important roles in organizational
success. They also consider the instinct of workmanship as an important source of value
added to the output they produce
Department of Economics
North-Eastern Hill University
Shillong (India) – 793022
I. Introduction: Are human beings ‘resources’? On this question there is a sharp division
in opinions. There are scholars, not much ethically inclined, who adore the practice of
considering human beings as resources. They visualize a continuum – from the inert
objects to the most refined intellectual endeavours – from the one end to the other, as
resources to productive activities. On the other hand, there are a plenty of scholars who
abhor considering human beings just a complement to other means (e.g. animals, plants
and inanimate objects) of production. Tn those scholars it appears debasing to consider
labour - menial or mental, vulgar or artistic, raw or polished - as a commodity and by the
same logic, human beings a source of the flow of labour and its power as resources.
They view workers in the holistic perspective of their psychology and their fitness to their
work environment and work assignment, rather than as interchangeable parts. They place
emphasis on how leadership, cohesion, and loyalty play important roles in organizational
success. They also consider the instinct of workmanship as an important source of value
added to the output they produce
Selasa, 22 November 2011
MANAJEMEN SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA hasil observasi sumber daya manusia (guru) Di SMK NEGERI 3 SURABAYA
Di jaman yang serba modern ini semua kegiatan didominasi dengan berbagai macam peralatan teknologi yang cangih. saat ini banyak tenaga professional yang dibutuhkan dalam suatu perusahaan mampu bertahan dan bersaing, sehingga perusahaan memerlukan sumber daya manusia yang sangup menguasai teknologi dengan cepat, adaptif, dan responsip terhadap perubahan-perubahan teknologi dan agar mampu mendayagunakan alat teknologi tersebut.
Rabu, 16 November 2011
Sekilas tentang Behaviorism
Behaviorisme merupakan salah satu aliran psikologi yang meyakini bahwa untuk mengkaji perilaku individu harus dilakukan terhadap setiap aktivitas individu yang dapat diamati, bukan pada peristiwa hipotetis yang terjadi dalam diri individu. Oleh karena itu, penganut aliran behaviorisme menolak keras adanya aspek-aspek kesadaran atau mentalitas dalam individu. Pandangan ini sebetulnya sudah berlangsung lama sejak jaman Yunani Kuno, ketika psikologi masih dianggap bagian dari kajian filsafat. Namun kelahiran behaviorisme sebagai aliran psikologi formal diawali oleh J.B. Watson pada tahun 1913 yang menganggap psikologi sebagai bagian dari ilmu kealaman yang eksperimental dan obyektif, oleh sebab itu psikologi harus menggunakan metode empiris, seperti : observasi, conditioning, testing, dan verbal reports.
Teori utama dari Watson yaitu konsep stimulus dan respons (S-R) dalam psikologi. Stimulus adalah segala sesuatu obyek yang bersumber dari lingkungan. Sedangkan respon adalah segala aktivitas sebagai jawaban terhadap stimulus, mulai dari tingkat sederhana hingga tingkat tinggi. Watson tidak mempercayai unsur herediter (keturunan) sebagai penentu perilaku dan perilaku manusia adalah hasil belajar sehingga unsur lingkungan sangat penting. Pemikiran Watson menjadi dasar bagi para penganut behaviorisme berikutnya.
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